'邪恶的,' 音乐als, and Life at Juilliard | International Student Blog


玛吉·沃尔特斯 (Group 48), a fourth-year actor from Canada, talks about 邪恶的她在BADA的暑假等等.

Can you tell us about your first 经验 with acting and musicals?

我10岁左右就开始演戏了. My family moved to a small town that happened to have a very busy theater scene. I always loved to sing and was very much in love with the idea of musical theater. 我的第一次演出是在 Seussical音乐剧这听起来很荒谬! It was such fun and gave me the incentive to keep doing it.

You participated in a summer program at the British American 戏剧 Academy. 那是什么感觉??

BADA对我来说是一次美妙的经历. I think for any young person who is studying a certain subject as intensely as we are here at Juilliard, 有时候改变一下是很重要的! 在牛津大学, I got to work with students and teachers who I did not know or have any relationship with, 这实际上是非常自由的. There was no expectation or a sense of having to please anyone. Of course that’s not the goal here at Juilliard, but it is something that naturally creeps in. 所以我在那里过得很愉快. I learned a lot and got to explore England, which was a real blessing.


What do you find the biggest difference between your home country of Canada and here in New York?

这是一个很大的区别. 我来自一个乡村小镇. 许多农民和树木. 这个城市是一个繁忙的地方. I don’t think I realized how much the outdoors and quiet means to me until I was well into my second year. 这对我来说是一个重要的认识.

If you were to take a reader to your hometown with you, what is something that you think they 必须 经验?

我想我会带他们去划独木舟. 我住的那个村庄在湖边. It’s a beautiful way to see the trees, especially in the fall. After all, if you’re going to introduce someone to Canada, you may as well do it in a canoe!

你和克里斯汀·切诺维斯合作过. 那是什么感觉? to be a part of such a special opportunity?

太不可思议了. 是我的堂兄介绍我认识的 邪恶的 when I was around 9 years old, and I couldn't get enough of it. I really think it was that musical that started it all for me. I was so wild about it as a kid, I saw it five times and would have seen it more if I could have. To be able to sing onstage with this woman who I really did idolize as a young person was just amazing. I wanted my 9-year-old self to be standing on stage with me because she would have been over the moon. Kristin Chenoweth is also such a lovely, generous woman. One of the songs we sang with her was called "I Am Here,“最后, the phrase “I am here” is repeated multiple times. 而不是对着观众大声歌唱, 她转向我们大家, 指向我们每个人, 和唱, “你在这里?.” I think it takes a special person to do that—she understands what it is to be a young person hoping to be a performer, and she made us feel just as legitimate as she is. 太特别了.

What advice you would give to future international actors who hope to further their training at Juilliard?

I would recommend really making sure that this is the city you want to live in. 对一些人来说, 这就是梦想, but actually living here day in and day out is a different 经验. It’s so hard to know that at the time but I think it’s very important to think through the fact that you are going to be living in of one of the biggest metropolitan centers in the world and far away from your family.  对一些人来说, this is not a hard decision but I really urge anyone to take that into account, particularly students who are thinking of pursuing their bachelor's degrees here.

你是个受过正规训练的女高音. 歌唱对你的演艺生涯有什么影响?

Maggie and Juilliard students with Kristen Chenowith
Maggie and Juilliard students with Kristin Chenowith.

I’ve trained classically for nine years and by the time I graduated from high school I decided I didn’t want anything to do with it, 我只想成为一名直男戏剧演员. Once I was in school and just acting, I realized how important singing was to me. I learned how much apart of me, not just as a performer but also as a person, it was. I’ve been lucky that I’ve been able to incorporate my singing into many productions I’ve done here and am so excited to be able to be in a musical again this coming December at Juilliard in 走进森林. 作为一名演员, 我知道语言有多重要, how important words are and what they can do to move people. 但我也知道音乐的作用. 当言语不够时,你只需要唱歌. 这就是我喜欢它的原因.

From the pieces you have performed during your career so far, is there a favorite? Or is there a piece you felt really attached to while performing and developing your character?

在第二年,我扮演了玛莎 三个姐妹, a play that sums up how complicated and surprisingly wonderful life can be. 我觉得自己和玛莎很亲近:她的热情, 她玩世不恭, 她对幸福的真正渴望, 她对家人的爱, 她与过去的联系, 她使用的语言. There is one line in the play in which she looks up to the sky and sees some birds flying and says, “他们是天鹅. 或者它们是鹅. 你快乐的事情.这句话每次都能打动我. 我很感激能扮演她. 我希望有一天能再来一次.


嗯,除了玛莎,我不得不说哈姆雷特. Every actor may say that, but you can understand why! I saw Andrew Scott play him in London, and it made me realize what an amazing character he is. I think any one, no matter who they are, could sit down and watch 哈姆雷特 somewhere and find some way to sympathize or relate to the character, even if that just comes from one line of his text. Shakespeare has the amazing ability to make us go, “Oh I know what he means when he says that. 我以前也有过这种感觉.” Shakespeare can put the things we feel into words; he clarifies the feelings that are often the hardest ones to articulate.
